
SunRide is a comfortable, budget minded rideshare program.  SunRide has a history of “on time” performance at a price that is a whole lot less than other rideshare companies.  Whether you are going to work or just doing errands, SunRide is for you!  We service multiple cities within the Coachella Valley.  Our Palm Springs service includes Palm Springs International Airport along with other areas of interest.  At 3.00 per person, per destination, with no surge pricing, it is not surprising that our service is the best kept secret in the Valley…… 🤔…….oops!

For more information:

Go to and click the “Services” tab.  Then choose the SunRide entry of your choosing from the drop-down menu.

Or, you can call us at 760 343 3450 (Habla Espanol)

You can also download our app on Google’s “Play Store” or on Apple’s “App Store”.

(When the video appears you may have to touch the screen to see the video controls and start the video.  I advise enlarging the screen for best results)

SunRide Video Tutorial